
The Evenbettersu is global fashion blog including beauty trends and lifestyle. This is because I believe fashion is so approachable that it can integrate into everything. 

Moreover, fashion has different definition and shape from culture to culture. As I am an international student in Toronto, I have experienced different culture, which allows me to be more discerning about global fashion and beauty trends. It also helps me to make a better choice while comparing more options. This is why my blog is called Evenbettersu

In this respect, my greatest strength can be mixing and matching in multicultural fashion. Evenbettersu will reduce difficulty in buying decision and trial and error so that you are happy with your choice, which is in accordance with my smiling logo. 

Evenbettersu deals with fashion trends influenced by cultural, social and global phenomenon and lifestyle. It gives you more options for fashion based on not only unique fashion ideas but also practical fashion tips. Thus, you can be more fashionably aware and considerate. 

Be creative, adventurous, approachable, and functional.

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